How to add custom variables
Bart Kooijman / 2019-11-24
2 min read
In Sitecore JSS you have two out of the box variables available in GraphQL: $contextItem and $datasource. In my current JSS project, which is an API-only solution, I added more variables. This simplified my queries and gave me a better understanding on how Sitecore implements GraphQL. Curious yet? Read along! I will demonstrate how to add a variable.
- Decompile this dll:
and find this resolver:
Copy and paste the contents of ths resolver to a file in your solution.
- It's a lot of code, but focus on these lines:
LocalGraphQLRequest request1 = new LocalGraphQLRequest();
request1.Query = str;
LocalGraphQLRequest request = request1;
request.LocalVariables.Add("datasource", rendering.DataSource);
Here you can add a variable by adding this line:
HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["productId"] ?? string.Empty);
Now besides the variables $contextItem and $datasource, the variable $productId also is available. The new variable contains the value of the productId querystring parameter in the url.
- Next step, patch the config, for example like this:
<config name="jss">
patch:instead="*[@type='Sitecore.JavaScriptServices.GraphQL.LayoutService.GraphQLAwareRenderingContentsResolver, Sitecore.JavaScriptServices.GraphQL']"
type="//Insert location of your custom code here, //Insert name of dll here"
The above example alters the config of existing "jss" configuration. You can also add your own configuration. If you add a configuration with for example 'custom' as name. You can access it with the following url:
- That's it! Now you can use the custom $productId variable in GraphQL Queries within Sitecore JSS. You can you use it to query Sitecore or even the SOLR-index directly, like the example below:
query ProductQuery($productId: String!) {
search(fieldsEqual: [{ name: "_productid_s", value: $productId }]) {
results {
title: field(name: "title_s")
description: field(name: "description_s")
Keep in mind I only used and tested this in Integrated / API only mode. Happy coding!